Geothermal Source Heat Pump Principle

Work in the reverse way of air conditioner Geothermal Source heat pump is also a kind of air conditioner , and it transfer heat from water to house . We know the air conditioner in our house it absorb the heat in our room and release it outside, and thus makes the room temperature decline. Comparing with our home air conditioner The Geothermal Source heat pump works in the reverse way. It absorb the heat in the ground water or other water and transfer it to house to heat water or air in the room. What is a Geothermal Source heat pump consist of? Before we talk about the principles of Geothermal Source heat pump we have learn the components of a Geothermal Source heat pump.Usually it consists of three components: 1. H eat source system 2. H eat pump 3. H eat distribution and storage system Geothermal Source Heat pump cycle Geothermal Source heat pump cycle is usually vapor-compression cycle the same as most ...